How to Stop Alcohol Withdrawal Shakes & Reduce Tremors

how to stop alcohol withdrawal shakes

Ethanol is the primary alcohol that’s ingested by people with alcohol use disorder. It’s also a central nervous system depressant, and your body may become more reliant on ethanol the longer it’s exposed to it. Symptoms of DTs include severe confusion, fever, hallucinations, and seizures.

  • Because the liver can only metabolize so much ethyl alcohol the excess toxins that remain in the body gets absorbed into the brain and other organs.
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  • Seemingly out of nowhere, one day when you wake up in the morning you find yourself shaking.

Assessing Severity

It’s crucial to recognize that shaking after drinking can be a sign of a more significant issue, such as alcohol use disorder. If you’re concerned about your symptoms or need support, seeking professional help from a reputable addiction treatment how to stop tremors from alcohol center like Sabino Recovery can be an essential step on the path to healing. Alongside tremors, you may experience a range of withdrawal symptoms that include but are not limited to anxiety, nausea, vomiting, sweating, irritability, and insomnia.

  • Some people experience prolonged withdrawal symptoms, like insomnia and mood changes, that can last for weeks or months.
  • You should report your drinking history straightforwardly to your doctor so you can be treated safely for withdrawal symptoms.
  • Unlike regular alcohol tremors, DT is a medical emergency and can be life-threatening if it’s not treated.
  • Others may be more susceptible to intoxication and DTs because of medications they take, health conditions and other factors.
  • Often, people are tempted to turn back to alcohol to ease the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms.

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how to stop alcohol withdrawal shakes

If you opt for outpatient treatment, you’ll likely be given sedative drugs to take at home to ease withdrawal symptoms and have to get routine blood tests to make sure you’re staying on track. You may also need to get tested for other medical problems that could be connected to your alcohol abuse. Moving forward, you may also need to go to patient and family counseling to discuss your alcoholism. For someone with mild-to-moderate alcohol withdrawal symptoms, outpatient treatment might be the best course of action. Outpatient treatment means you can stay at home during your recovery process, but you must have someone with you at all times who can keep an eye on you and monitor your behavior.

Will I Experience Symptoms of Withdrawal?

Benzodiazepines like Lorazepam or Valium are sometimes administered intravenously to alcohol detox patients to reduce tremors. Also available in oral form, benzodiazepines are helpful for treating insomnia, nausea, anxiety, and alcohol withdrawal night sweats affecting detox patients. If you are thinking about quitting drinking, talk to your healthcare provider. Medical supervision, behavioral health treatment, and mutual-aid groups can help you through alcohol withdrawal and stay stopped. For most people, alcohol withdrawal symptoms will begin sometime in the first eight hours after their final drink.

how to stop alcohol withdrawal shakes

The two main causes of alcohol shakes are alcohol withdrawal symptoms and alcohol-related brain damage. Blood and urine tests may also be done to determine the amount of alcohol the person has consumed, as well as any other additional drugs that may be in their system. There is no way to know if you will experience alcohol tremors after drinking, but symptoms usually start around 6 hours after your last drink, which is good to keep in mind. Hand tremors from alcohol can last anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks, so it’s important to seek medical attention if your tremors do not go away or get worse over time.

If you or someone you care for needs support in overcoming alcohol use disorder, you’re hardly alone. offers a beacon of hope along with countless invaluable resources to get you or your loved one back on the path to recovery. The best approach for stopping alcoholic tremors in the immediate term is to stay hydrated and avoid caffeinated beverages. Drinking more water lessens alcoholic shakes, flushes the system of toxins, and aids the overall detox process.

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